Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Learn Karate Online A basic Elbow Combination Empi Uchi

If you are trying to learn karate online, it is absolutely essential that you master the basic karate moves. Some of these basic karate moves are striking with the elbows. There is a video below, which is a sample video from the online karate dojo at karate classes

Basic Empi Uchi Kihon Combination

1. Starting with the left leg in front, extend the front (left) arm forward and start to step with the right leg. Keep the right fist in the hikite position at the side of the body, until you are just about to land, then just as you land, throw the first elbow strike, mawashi empi. Be sure to keep the right fist close to the body throughout the strike. Finish with the back of the right fist facing up, in the centre of the chest and the body in the hanmi (side facing) position.

2. Strike with a left Age empi, once again keep the fist close to the body throughout this karate move. Drive from the back (left) leg and rotate the hips and body into the shomen (square facing) position, the age empi and body rotation should finish at the same time. At the completion of the strike, the palm of the left fist should be facing the ear.

3. Next comes the yoko empi. Bring the right arm under the left age empi arm, with the palm of the right open hand facing up, drive from the back (left) leg and make a small distance forward with the right leg. You are now going to move from zenkutsu dachi (front stance) into Kiba dachi (horse riding stance), at exactly the same time you land with the right leg, strike yoko empi with the right elbow. On completion of this karate technique, the back of the right fist should be facing up.

4. The last strike is ushiro empi. From kiba dachi, pull the left leg accross and up slightly (as in the video), rotate the body strongly then as the body finishes the rotation and the left foot stops, strike ushiro empi. If the elbow is high, the back of the fist should be pointing up and if the elbow is low, the palm of the fist should be facing up, as in the hikite position.

Obviously this is a very basic elbow combination, but it will get you used to striking close to your own body, which is uncomfortable for a lot of karateka. Don’t forget to check out our Special $1 Trial offer.

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