Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Video of the Hombu Dojo (Central Barrack) of the J.K.A. Shotokan

Video of the Hombu Dojo (Central Barrack) of the J.K.A. Shotokan of Ebisu, Tokyo. In where one sees the training of the Karate Do. At the end of the video we will see to one of the Senseis reciting the Dojo Kun (Morality of the Dojo and rules of the Karate Do).

Video del Hombu Dojo (Cuartel central) de la J.K.A. Shotokan de Ebisu, Tokyo. En dónde se ve el entrenamiento del Karate Do. Al final del video veremos a uno de los Senseis recitando el Dojo Kun (Moral del Dojo y preceptos del Karate Do).

Video des Hombu Dojo (Central Barrack) der JKA Shotokan von Ebisu, Tokyo. In denen sieht man das Training der Karate-Do. Am Ende des Videos werden wir zu einem der Senseis Dojo Rezitation des Kun (Moral des Dojo und Regeln des Karate Do sehen).

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