Thursday, 24 December 2009

The Difference Between A Man of Do (The Way) and a Little Man

Many years ago, my sensei told me a story,
A student once asked his sensei, "What is the difference between a man of Do (the way) and a little man?" The sensei replies, "It is simple. When the little man receives his first dan black belt, he can hardly wait to run home and shout at the top of his voice to tell everyone that he has obtained his first dan. Upon receiving his second dan, he will climb to the rooftops and shout to the people. Upon receiving his third dan black belt, he will jump in his car and parade through town blowing the horn, telling one and all about his third dan".
The sensei continues, "When the man of Do (the way) receives his first dan, he will bow his head in gratitude. Upon receiving his second dan, he will bow his head and his shoulders. Upon receiving his third dan, he will bow at the waist and quietly walk alongside the wall so that people will not see him or notice him".
In this materialistic world, karate-ka who follow the way, are few, but to me, the above story epitomises a good martial artisit. The older I get, the more I realise, character is everything!

Linden Huckle
learn karate

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