Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Learn Karate Blocks Online - Uchi Ude Uke - Inside Forearm Block

Uchi ude uke, or inside forearm block is one of the first shotokan karate blocks that e new karateka will learn in the karate dojo. It's a good idea to practice this block in shizentai (natural stance), with feet approximately shoulder width apart and toes facing forward, before trying to practice stepping forward and backwards in Zenkutsu dachi (front stance).
Remember, the blocking part of the arm, is the outside of the forearm, not the edge of the arm!

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Karate For Beginners Kizami-zuki or Jab Punch

Shotokan karate kihon is very fast, strong and direct! Kizami-zuki is great example of a very direct strike. The video below gives some tips and advice for karateka practicing the jab punch, especially if you are practicing karate at home.